Accompanied postpartum
The immediate postnatal period starts after the birth of your baby and lasts between 6 and 8 weeks. It is a phase of huge changes, of adaptation and learning, and it can feel very emotionally intense.
At Sant Pau we know that it is important to continue to provide you with support during this stage. We have a team of professionals who will be by your side during these first weeks and who will solve all the doubts and queries that may arise: from breastfeeding to caring for your baby and emotional ups and downs.
In addition, there are diverse resources available for this postnatal period where we provide you with very useful information and training that will solve your doubts during these first few months, such as the Parenting Group, the Breastfeeding Support Group and the Postnatal Group. Find out more about them here.
Below we provide you with useful information for when you and your baby get home as well as advice on breastfeeding.

Breast milk is the best and only food your baby needs. The WHO recommends breastfeeding up to two years of age, and exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age (when you can start to gradually introduce solid food into the baby’s diet).
During this period, breast milk covers all of your baby’s nutritional, immunological and emotional needs.
Benefits for you
Benefits for the baby
Mother and postpartum

Vaginal bleeding
Care for the mother
Check-ups after discharge
Signs of alarm

First examinations at the Hospital
If your baby is admitted to the neonatal unit
Guide for families of Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

You will find all our recommendations and advice for settling in at home in the Guide for Families After the Birth.