At your side during pregnancy, labour and the post-partum period
At Sant Pau we have a holistic approach to pregnancy. We know that it is a unique time, both physically and emotionally, and that is why we want to provide you with comprehensive support, focused on empowering you.
At Sant Pau we know that every birth is unique and that is why we go to great lengths to ensure it is a positive experience. Following the WHO recommendations, we avoid unnecessary routine interventions.
We have a team of professionals who will be by your side during these first weeks and who will solve all the doubts and queries that may arise: from breastfeeding to caring for your baby and emotional ups and downs.
Why choose Sant Pau?

Experts in respectful births
We work with evidence-based scientific protocols and with a humanistic approach centred around your wishes and preferences.

High-complexity health centre
We have all the necessary technology, as well as a maternity and neonatal ICU, to deal with any type of complication that may arise.

Low-intervention births
We are one of the hospitals in Barcelona with the lowest rate of caesarean sections, and the use of instruments in our centre has reduced to 12% of births, prioritising the use of vacuum.

Physiological care in high-risk births
We are national pioneers and leaders in physiological care in breech births, we perform home inductions and provide birthing pools to dilate in water.

The midwife, your mentor
Your midwife will accompany you during your pregnancy, labour and post-partum period and will guide you and help you solve any doubts about food, exercise, filling out your Birth Plan or breastfeeding.

Multidisciplinary team
A team of professionals is ready to provide you with comprehensive care and emotional support from pregnancy right through to the end of the postpartum period.
A safe, comfortable and inviting setting
The birthing process needs a warm, pleasant, calm and peaceful environment. Find out more about our intimate and inviting spaces and the comfortable conditions we provide so you can enjoy your labour as much as possible.
Here are some first-hand experiences of giving birth in Sant Pau:
Meet our team
Our multidisciplinary team is made up of midwives, doctors, nursing assistants, administrative staff, healthcare workers, social workers, psychologists and other staff.Elisa Llurba
Directora del Servei de Ginecologia i Obstetrícia
Carmen Garrido
Cap Clínic d'Obstetrícia
Silvia Cabrera
Cap Clínic de Ginecologia
Juan Parra
Cap Clínic de Medicina Fetal
Informative workshop about natural birth
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant PauInformative sessions about giving birth in Hospital Sant Pau
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant PauASSIR Guinardó Parenting Group
ASSIR GuinardóASSIR Guinardó Post-Natal Group
ASSIR GuinardóCheck out our FAQs