Cicle de Seminaris IIB Sant Pau - TARDOR 2019
- 18 de Setembre de 2019
“Management of intracerebral hemorrhage what’s new in 2019”
Prof. Charlotte Cordonnier, MD, PhD. Professor of Neurology at the Lille University and Head of the department of Neurology & Stroke Centre of the Lille University Hospital (France) - 25 de Setembre de 2019
“Assessing vascular and ventricular function in cardiovascular research. New tools provide new insight”
Dr. Javier Bermejo. Head Noninvasive Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging Depart. of Cardiology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón - 9 d’ Octubre de 2019
“Ventral cingulate cortex, astrocytes and major depressive disorder. Development of a preclinical model”
Dra. Analia Bortolozzi. Científica Titular del CSIC, Instituto de Investigación Biomedica de Barcelona (IIBB) – CSIC, IDIBAPS - 11 de Desembre 2019
“Elastin modification during vascular aging and pathophysiological consequences”
Prof. Laurent DUCA. UMR CNRS 7369 MEDyC Extracellular Matrix and Cell Dynamics“, Head of Team 2 "Matrix Aging and Vascular Remodelling“, University of Reims Champagne - Ardenne.
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