Xènia Acebes Roldan
She obtained her medical degree from Universitat de Barcelona and undertook her specialization program (MIR) in ophthalmology in Bellvitge. Later, she obtained a master’s degree from ESADE in Integrated Healthcare Services Management, and she studied a technical engineering degree in Computer Systems Engineering at the UOC open university. She obtained her doctorate from the Universitat de Barcelona in 2010 and later obtained a Master’s in Business Administration from ESADE.
She was the director of the patient-care department of the Catalan Health Service until November 2021, where she was responsible for macromanagement tasks in insurance of the coverage of the services included in the public health care portfolio of the Catalan government, together with the design and organization of care processes with a comprehensive, integrating and value-centered outlook, in order to include strategies to ensure quality, safety, and efficacy in the use of drugs and their pharmaceutical administration. Prior to this appointment, she was the medical director at Hospital de Mollet. In 2018, she began the process of merging the health care consortia of Alt Penedès and El Garraf, and as patient-care director, she led the project to plan the merger and integration of clinical services.
She began her career in management in 2012, first as medical coordinator (Director of Hospital Operations) at Bellvitge University Hospital and then as deputy medical director. During this time, she worked as the head of admissions and patient management, in charge of admissions to the emergency department, planning bed capacity, scheduling elective surgeries, and planning outpatient consultations. She took part in transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary plans to coordinate and improve patient access in a tertiary hospital by coordinating different levels of primary and specialist care.
cionats i del nou pla de guàrdies institucional. Ha propiciat la coordinació assistencial interna i externa en un model innovador d'atenció, la creació (amb metodologia de millora contínua) dels comitès clínics de seguiment dels codis urgents d'activació i ha dirigit el reordenament de múltiples processos assistencials amb incorporació de noves tecnologies. Les activitats del Procés d'Atenció Urgent han estat reconegudes amb diferents premis nacionals i acreditacions internacionals (GEDA 2019 de l’American College of Emergency Physicians).
És Coordinador Clínic del Comitè Operatiu d'Urgències i Emergències de Barcelona-Dreta, membre de l'Òrgan Tècnic d'Urgències i Emergències de Barcelona Ciutat i ha estat membre fundador del Programa d'Harmonització Fàrmaco-Terapèutica del Departament de Salut. En el seu currículum destaquen nombroses publicacions en revistes científiques d'àmbit nacional i internacional. És Premi a l'Excel·lència Professional del COMB 2013.