Anna Rubio Carbó
Graduate in Pedagogy and Audiovisual Communication, she has worked since 1996 in the direction, production and management of digital learning projects for the development of talent in organizations.
With a professional background linked to educational technology from multiple aspects, she began her career as a researcher at the Interactive Media Laboratory of the University of Barcelona, when she began her doctoral thesis (never finished), and she participated in multiple European research projects and at various congresses in the EdTech field.
She has been Coordinator of Educational Content in the publishing world at Planet Actimedia stage in which she conceptualized and produced the educational modules of multimedia encyclopedias.
She has been the head of production and director of innovation at the IL3-UB, and also a training consultant in both company and freelance, stages in which he carried out training projects of magnitude, production of digital resources, and of methodological and technological innovation
She has been assistant to the Secretary General of Justice and the Secretary General for Enterprise and Labor. And she has also been assistant director of the Catalan Health Service during the pandemic era,stages that promoted the development of the necessary network vision for the sustainability of the system and the global vision of organizations through the " impulse of strategic changes and the global impact in the future of organizations.
Professor associated with the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona since 1997, she has taught subjects in the area of educational technology both in the degrees of Pedagogy, teacher training and Audiovisual Communication, and in the official master's degree in teaching and learning with digital technologies.
She is co-author of the books La Universidad en la Nube (Transmedia s.XXI), Organizarse mejor (Graó), La Formació online (Graó) and Pedagogías emergentes (Octaedro).