
Return Citizen Information

Citació telefònica

Telephone appointment

In this space, you can schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments or tests.

You can call 93 556 57 75, send us an email at or fill out the following form so that we can call you as soon as possible.

Form Management

Contact form

It is necessary to fill in this field
It is necessary to fill in this field
It is necessary to fill in this field
It is necessary to fill in this field
I am the patient

It is necessary to fill in this field
It is necessary to fill in this field
Manage an appointment (schedule, reschedule, or cancel)

Ask for information about an appointment


It is necessary to fill in this field
If we need to call you, we will try to do so during these hours. It is necessary to fill in this field
It is necessary to fill in this field

It is necessary to fill in this field
I accept the Privacy Policy.* It is necessary to accept this field
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