The ultimate goal is to offer more complex professional services and care, with the most humane treatment, in the health and social field, in order to achieve the best patient care in accordance with the principles and values of the Hospital.
We want to be a Learning Campus of excellence, geared towards research, quality, safety and new technologies with an innovative perspective to offer learning solutions adapted to the needs of learners and aimed at improving the results of the organization.
A University Hospital with a commitment to patient care
Sant Pau is the oldest hospital in Spain, created in the 15th century. It has housed the UAB Faculty of Medicine since it was founded in 1968 and the University School of Nursing since it was founded in 1953. It has been attached to the UAB since 1978. This solid experience is one of the pillars sustaining the main lines of our teaching and research project, which is materialised in the excellence of our work.
The quality of the services that the Hospital provides depends on various elements and the most decisive is the quality of the staff who provide them. The ceiling of a hospital’s quality is the quality of its patient-care and non-patient-care staff.
Maintaining patient care quality depends not only on the hospital’s teaching and structured training but also on its knowledge management. Its initial and continuous training is the main ally of its quality, due to the volume and impact of the changes. There can be no continuous improvement if there is no continuous learning.
Aware, therefore, of the importance of training and value of the teaching offered by this Hospital, the organisation provides the best conditions for this learning to be fluid and enriching, and to have practical applications within the hospital’s day-to-day patient care processes.
The weight of the training is extremely important in professional development, and the learning attitude is so important that it ceases to be an option: it is a commitment that affects the entirety of the institution’s professional staff. That is why it is integrated into the Hospital’s key processes, and we give it a virtual and face-to-face space that is the learning campus.
How we do it: the commitment to integrated collaboration
The commitment is to the integrated collaboration of the different teams that promote training on the campus, whether aimed at initial undergraduate student training, residency, postgraduate training or updating and continuous training, both for professionals and also other external persons from the sector.
We pursue a global vision for the improvement of the service and for management efficiency by
• Digitalising processes and information systems to network in a shared, simultaneous, and cross-disciplinary way.
• Facilitating the transformation of the learning experience to gear it towards the needs of learners, the improvement of patient care practice and the aims of the organisation.
• Giving support to our teaching staff to accompany them in training innovation.
Who we are: a trans-disciplinary team
A major challenge necessarily requires the collaboration of multiple visions. The Learning Campus team is defined by its transdisciplinary nature, made up of professionals, with a view to patient care, social and cross-disciplinary learning needs, in the pedagogical field, to provide structure and quality to the training with teaching methodology, educational technology, multi-format production of learning materials and materials in the field of project management and academic management.
This structure allows both dialogue with the different departments, identifying points of improvement and strategic training, with healthcare services to meet their demands and make proposals for what the health system needs, as well as the planning, programming, and execution of the necessary training projects.
The teaching management works closely with hospital professionals to anticipate their requirements, guiding their demands and proposing products in collaboration, if necessary, with other institutions.
The pedagogical and management teams become the platform for pedagogical, digital and management services for teaching at the Hospital. They offer training solutions tailored to expectations, new products for students and for professionals according to the changing needs of the Sant Pau teams.
A global and innovative project at the service of the institution to contribute towards obtaining the best quality results that have a positive impact on the health and experience of our users.
Contact us: We are at your disposal at campusaprenentatge@santpau.cat or at the Sant Frederic Ward on the 1st floor of the Hospital.