
Legal notification Duplicate 2

Legal notification App Urgències

1. Privacy Policy for the Urgències application 

We respect your right to maintain your privacy. This Privacy Policy indicates who we are, what data we collect and how we process your personal data in relation to the Urgències application made available to the Hospital de Sant Pau (hereinafter, the application) and how you can exercise your data protection rights. 

If you have any questions or considerations regarding the use of your personal data, you can contact us using the contact details specified at the end of this Privacy Policy. 

1.1. Who is the controller for your personal data and the Data Protection Officer? 

Fundació de Gestió Sanitària de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (hereinafter, Hospital Sant Pau) is the controller of your personal data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of personal Data and guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD).  

Hospital Sant Pau has a Data Protection Officer to respond to any queries, requests or clarifications regarding the processing of personal data that can be carried out at the postal address: c/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret 167, Barcelona, 08025 and at the email address   

Please note that Hospital Sant Pau is not responsible for the data collected and processed during the download of the App Store, such as the Apple App Store or Google PlayStore. You can read more about this in the Privacy Policy of your corresponding App Store. 

1.2. What personal data do we collect and why do we do it? 

Hospital Sant Pau does not collect any personal data of the user who downloads the application.  

The application does involve the data processing of patients from Hospital Sant Pau whose companions download the application.  

1.3. What personal data do we process, why and with what purpose? 

As mentioned in the previous point, the operation of the application will not process data of the user of the application. When the user downloads the application, they must have the code corresponding to the patient to visualize the information about the patient (random code that has no relation to the personal data of the patient). 

The patient data that you can view are: Name, surname initials, telephone and location (area, floor, room, box/bed), as well as a plan.  

In the event that you have any questions or need more information, you can contact us by sending an email to  

1.4. To whom do we transfer your personal data? 

As mentioned above, no data is collected from the user who downloads the application.  

We also inform you that there are providers that provide services to Hospital Sant Pau in relation to this application, and with which Hospital Sant Pau has signed the contracts of confidentiality and processing of personal data necessary and required by the regulations to protect your privacy. For example, ATHENEA SOLUTIONS & TECH, S.L., which is the technological provider of the application on behalf of Hospital de Sant Pau. It should be noted that this application does not collect data from the user of the application. As regards patient data, this provider may not process personal data for its own purposes. 

1.5. How do we secure your personal data? 

Hospital Sant Pau has an obligation to implement the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data that we collect and process. The measures applied are aimed at providing an adequate level of security for the risk of processing your personal data. One of these measures is not to collect more data than is necessary, for this reason no data of the users of this application are processed.  

It is the responsibility of the accompanying person to make good use of the code that is provided to them considering the confidentiality of patients and not to provide it to unauthorized third parties. 

1.6. Where do we process your personal data? 

As mentioned above, no data of the users of the application are processed. The personal information that can be found in the application will be stored exclusively on our servers within the European Economic area. 

Under no circumstances will personal data be transferred to countries outside the European Economic area. In the event that Hospital Sant Pau needs to contract services from suppliers located in countries that do not have equivalent regulations to the European one, its contracting will include all the guarantees and safeguards required by the regulations to preserve its privacy, after verification of the legislation of the country of destination. These safeguards may consist of the application of contractual clauses and additional guarantees to them, in accordance with the regulations of each country of destination, or binding corporate rules approved by the data protection authorities. 

1.7. How long do we keep your data? 

The operation of the application does not require the collection of user data.  

Regarding the information of patients that can be found in the application, the regulations require that we delete the personal data as soon as the purpose of its conservation disappears. From that moment, only personal data will be kept in case the processing is necessary: 

  • for the fulfillment of a legal obligation for the processing of data imposed in accordance with european or national law applicable if applicable; or 
  • for the foundation, exercise or defense of certain legal claims; 
  • for medical care reasons. 

1.8. How to set up your privacy 

You will not need permission to access resources on your device. In any case, you can manage the permissions granted to the application in the configuration section of the device at any time. 

1.9. Your data protection rights 

No data are collected from users who use the application. However, we inform you that with regard to data processing, you can exercise the rights indicated below: Access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability.  

You have the right to file a complaint regarding the collection and use of your personal data with an authority responsible for data protection, in our case, the Catalan Data Protection Authority. For more information, you can contact this authority at . 

1.10. How can you contact us? 

 If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer directly, who is also at your disposal to respond to possible requests for information, requests or claims. You can contact our Data Protection Officer using the address 

1.11. Updates and validity 

Hospital Sant Pau reserves the right to review this text of information at the time it deems appropriate, to reflect regulatory changes, good practices or update the activities of processing personal data. These updates will be reported in accordance with the requirements of the regulations. 


2. General terms and conditions for use of the Urgències application 

The Urgències application (hereinafter, the application) is offered by Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, (hereinafter, Hospital Sant Pau) and is owned by Fundació de Gestió Sanitària de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. 

Hospital Sant Pau welcomes you and invites you to read carefully the General terms and conditions for the use of this application (hereinafter, the Terms and conditions) that will be applicable to navigation, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. Since Hospital Sant Pau could modify these terms and conditions in the future, we recommend that you visit them periodically to be duly informed of the changes made. 

2.1. Object 

The Terms and conditions for the use of the application regulate the download, access and use of the mobile application that Hospital Sant Pau makes available to users (people related to patients) with the purpose that these, they can know the care and location of the patient at the time of access to emergencies. 

This version of the app is available for free on Google play and Apple Store. The user acknowledges and agrees to comply with all applicable Terms and conditions in this regard in order to obtain, download and update the application that the stores respectively determine. 

2.2. Scope of application 

Access to this application or its use in any form gives you the user rating and implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy, reserving Hospital Sant Pau the right to modify it at any time. 

By accepting these terms and conditions, the user states: 

a) You have read, understand, accept and subscribe fully and unrestricted to the General Terms and conditions. 

b) You have sufficient capacity to accept these Terms and conditions. 

c) The user is of age. 

The application offers certain data in relation to the phase of the care process in which the patient is located. The app offers the name and initials of surnames, mobile phone and location in real time (triage, assisted waiting, visit, observation and exploration and high) and on which floor, area, room or box is located. Each location has the visiting hours and a map indicating the physical location. The application does not offer any emergency system or medical advice.  

Specifically, it is considered: 

Triage: From the administrative entrance to the end of the triage. 

Assisted waiting: From the end of the triage until there is one of the following items, 

  • Start of the admission to hospital note. 
  • A vital constant is introduced in SAP attention. 
  • Start with the brief report. 
  • Prescribing to SAP medication. 
  • Request of laboratories or image diagnosis. 

Visit: From the end of the wait until the signing of the admission note. 

Observation and explorations: From the end of the visit to the administrative discharge of emergency room or request for an ambulance. 

Discharge process: From the request for an ambulance to the administrative discharge.  

2.3. Access code 

The use of the application requires the access code that you will receive on your mobile using an SMS in which you will also receive the link to download the application. This code is unique and can be shared with other users who also want to know the care and location of the patient in emergencies. This code will be available for 24 hours after accessing emergencies.  

There will also be a QR code at your disposal in which, if you access it, the application can be downloaded.  

It is the responsibility of the accompanying person to make good use of the code that is provided to them considering the confidentiality of patient and not to provide it to unauthorized third parties.  

2.4. Modification and updating of the application 

Since we make the application available free of charge, we reserve the right to modify, interrupt or replace with new functionalities the offers and functions of the application. We will notify you of these changes in time and will take your legitimate interests into account. 

We may, without being required, publish updated versions of the application at any time and also interrupt assistance to previous versions of the application. The correct operation of the application requires that the latest version be installed. Future updates may require that you have previously installed an updated version of the operating system on your device. 

2.5. Prohibited activities 

The application is only available for non-commercial purposes and you must refrain from: 

a) Make unauthorized or fraudulent use of the application and/or its contents, for purposes or unlawful effects, that are prohibited to these terms and conditions, that are harmful to the rights or interests of third parties or that in any way, may cause damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of services. 

b) Use the services and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the application, to send communications for any commercial purpose and / or unsolicited messages aimed at a plurality regardless of the purpose, as well as to commercialize or disclose, in any way, this information.  

c) Introduce or disseminate to the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are susceptible to damage to the physical or logical systems of Hospital Sant Pau, its suppliers or third parties. 

d) Attempt to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the Hospital, third-party providers and other users. 

e) Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow the public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or this is legally permitted. 

f) Delete, hide or manipulate the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other identifying data of Hospital Sant Pau or third parties incorporated in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanism that may be inserted in the contents. 

g) Obtain and attempt to obtain the contents by using for this purpose different means or procedures than, depending on the cases, have been made available for this purpose or have been expressly indicated in the application where the contents are located or, in general, those who are commonly used on the Internet to avoid a risk of damage or misuse of the application and/or the contents. 

h) In particular, and for merely indicative and non-exhaustive purposes, the user undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to unauthorized third parties’ information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material that can be found in the application. 

2.6. Availability 

As a general rule, the application is always available. However, we cannot guarantee that the application will work uninterruptedly or without errors. It could be the case that at some point the application was not available in full or in part because it was necessary to perform maintenance work, improvements or error solving. 

The application requires internet access and we recommend that, if you do not have internet access on your mobile, you connect to Hospital Sant Pau Wi-Fi network available in the emergency room. 

You must assume full responsibility for any expenses or fees, including additional data costs, that are related to your use of the application. We are not responsible for the adequacy, performance, or performance of the mobile device or of the mobile or internet connection. 

2.7. Data protection 

Hospital Sant Pau will process personal data, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter, RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of personal Data and guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD). The user can access the Data Protection Policy of the application. 

2.8. Guarantee and responsibility 

The application has been designed as a source of additional information for the accompanying person at the time the patient enters the emergency service. It does not constitute any kind of medical advice or replace the advice provided by specialized medical personnel. 

We assume full responsibility for all damages that causes malicious damage or by serious negligence, that they attack life or that cause personal injury. The Hospital will not be responsible for any damage that occurs under the download or use of the application, failures or failures or blockages in the operation of the application. The Hospital is also not responsible for the damage caused as a result of improper use of the application by users.  

2.9. Final provisions  

By the resolution of all disputes or issues related to the Terms and conditions, Spanish legislation applies, to which the parties expressly submit. The competent to resolve all conflicts arising from or related to their use are the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.  

2.10. Contact us 

If you have any questions or problems when using the application, please contact the administrative staff of Hospital Sant Pau. 

Last updated: May 2024.