Visiting arrangements for companions of patients in non-Covid-19 areas
Conventional hospitalization units
- 1 companion per patient from 08 h to 20h.
- 1 companion per patient during night shift from 20 h to 08 h in special situations (reduced mobility, disability, disorientation, advanced age...) and those other situations valued by the care team related to the patient's well-being.
- In cases of end of life, the presence of two simultaneous companions is contemplated.
- In Oncology and hematology hospitalization rooms, the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms and corridor.
- 1 companion per patient from 10:30h to 11h and from 19h to 19.30h.
- In the surgical area the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms and corridor.
Emergency Room
- 1 companion per patient from 10h to 20h.
- 1 companion to remain with the patient during the triage, waiting and being present during the first medical visit.
- At the Emergency Service the use of a face mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms, the corridor and inside the box.
- Medical information will be given daily between 13h and 14h, in a face-to-face manner to the box or via telephone.
- For family members: 2 companions per patient, from 11 h to 8 h on the day afther.
- For all the others. 2 companions per patient, from 13 h to 14h and from 18.30h to 19.30h.
- Medical information will be given daily between 13h and 14h, in a face-to-face manner to the box or on the phone.
- In the Critical Care Unit, the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms, corridor and inside the box.
Semi-critical care
- 1 companion per patient from 10 h to 20 h.
- In the semi-critical care unit the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms, corridor and inside the box.
- Medical information will be given daily between 13h and 14h, in a face-to-face manner to the box or on the phone.
Psychiatric Unit Hospitalization
- 1 companion per patient from 10 h to 19 h.
Area of Pediatrics
- 1 or 2 companions per patient during the 24 hours of the day.
- In E2 insulation chambers of onco-hematological processes: 1 companion per patient during the 24 hours of the day.
- In Pediatrics the use of surgical mask is mandatory (except for newborns) even in waiting rooms and corridor.
External consultations (CCEE) and day hospitals (HD)
- 1 companion per patient
- In external consultations of Hematology, Oncology, Pneumology and Allergies, Infectious diseases, Pediatric onco-hematology, and Heart transplantation the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms and corridor.
- In Hematologic-Oncological day hospitals, Pneumology and Allergy, Infectious diseases, and Pediatrics the use of surgical mask is mandatory even in waiting rooms and corridor rooms.
Remember that: Upon presence of respiratory symptoms, you must postpone the visit until your recovery. If it is not possible to postpone the visit, you must wear the mask within the entire hospital site (you can request one at the entrance).
Visiting arrangements for companions of patients with positive test of Covid-19
Information to the companion at the time of admission:
■ The companion will be informed of the patient’s condition and the requirements of the visit.
■ It is recommended that the person visiting have received the complete pattern of vaccination against COVID-19 and do not have risk factors (obesity, diabetes, asthma, or chronic lung disease, or immunodepressed).
■ Do not enter without the nursing staff's permission. The visit will take place in the room and it cannot be outside of it.
■ The visit will be carried out wearing individual protective equipment consisting of FFP2 mask, gown, and gloves.
Find below the details of the duration of visits and schedules in the different areas of the Hospital:
■ Conventional Hospitalization
• Beds with even number: from 10h to 12h or from 15h to 17h
• Beds with odd number: from 12h to 14h or from 17h to 19h
■ Semi-critical care unit
• 1 companion per patient from 13h to 14h and from 17:30h-20h.
• 1 companion per patient from 13h to 14h and from 17:30h-20h.