
Activitat formativa propia: programa Penelope

In-house training activity: Penèlope programme

Penèlope Sant Pau is a range of quality nurse training programmes that adapt to current professional and social needs. The programmes are based on a cross-disciplinary and humanizing approach. The Nursing Management has designed a range of training programmes focused on the field of treatments, from the most advanced and specific techniques right down to the treatments required every day to treat patients undergoing a particular health process, in childhood, adulthood or old age.

This training is designed for different groups of professionals and strives to share the expertise and knowledge of the Hospital’s professionals. The participative methodology is the foundation of all of the training programmes, alongside learning and reflection.

Objectives of the Penèlope Programme

  • Providing specific, specialized and high-quality training adapted to the needs that arise in the professional and social environment.
  • Designing a range of tuition programmes focused on treatments that cover the whole spectrum of demand for the most advanced techniques.
  • Promoting teamwork between the professionals and developing their skills.
  • Sharing the knowledge and expertise of the professionals of the Hospital de Sant Pau.


Information Penèlope Courses 

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