Pulmology and Allergy
Dr. David de la Rosa Carrillo
Metge adjunt
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (University of La Laguna, Tenerife, 1994). Specialist via MIR in Pneumology, at Vall d'Hebron Hospital (1998-2002).
He completed his training in Cystic Fibrosis, bronchiectasis and humoral immunodeficiency at the same Vall d'Hebron Hospital (2002-2005). Between 2005 and 2019, he worked at the Plató Hospital in Barcelona, becoming head of the Pulmonology Unit and the Clinical Research Unit. He holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Barcelona (2018).
His area of specialization is bronchiectasis and chronic bronchial infection, mycobacterial infections and pneumonia.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Integrated Research Program (PII) of Bronchiectasis of the SEPAR (since 2010), coordinator of the group of emerging researchers in the area of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Infections of the SEPAR (2015-2018) and coordinator of the Tuberculosis Area and Respiratory Infections (IRR) of SEPAR (since June 2018).
He has participated in various teaching activities, research projects, conference presentations, and has published more than 30 original articles and reviews, as well as book chapters, mainly in the area of bronchiectasis and COPD with chronic bronchial infection.
Since 2020 he is a physician of the Pulmonology Service of the Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau, being responsible for the hospitalization ward and the monographic outpatients clinics of bronchiectasis and respiratory infections.
Secretaria: Bloc A,4º Planta
Raquel Nogales Soriano
Secretaria Pneumologia i Cirurgia Toràcica
Telf. 935565972
Telf. 935565972
Fax. 935565601
FGS Hospital de la Santa Creu Sant Pau
Consultes externes i proves complementàries: Bloc A, 3º Pis, Moduls 5 i 6
Sala Hospitalització: Bloc C, Planta 2ª
Hospital de dia de Respiratori: Bloc A, Planta 0
Rehabilitació Respiratòria: Bloc A, Planta 3
Telèfon: 93 556 59 72
Fax: 93 556 56 01
Correu electrònic: pneumologia@santpau.cat
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