Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The UAB is a public university that provides innovative and high-quality tuition in all fields of knowledge. Moreover, the UAB is well-respected as a research and development university that is intensively active in terms of knowledge generation and transmission. In 1968, at the Hospital de Sant Pau, the Medical Faculty of the UAB began operating. Since then, the Hospital de Sant Pau and the UAB have worked closely as partners in all fields of Health Sciences.
Fundació Puigvert The objective of the Fundació Puigvert is to promote and develop medical sciences related to the study and treatment of diseases and dysfunction of the urinary tract and male reproductive system. It therefore focuses on advancing the specialities of Urology, Nephrology and Andrology. |
Blood and Tissue Bank |
Interhospitalia-AIE Interhospitalia is a non-profit Economic Interest Grouping with the primary objective of providing cleaning, disinfection and sterilization services for its members' clothing and tools. |
Centre Cochrane Iberoamericà The Cochrane Collaboration is an international non-profit and independent organization which aims to produce and disseminate systematic reviews on healthcare interventions. It operates at a global level, with contributors in more than 80 countries and a presence on all five continents. The Hospital is home to the Centre Cochrane Iberoamericà, one of twelve around the world, and its mission is to oversee the activities of the Cochrane Partnership in all Spanish-speaking countries. |
Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona Founded in 1894, the Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona (Official Association of Doctors of Barcelona) is a century-old institution established to defend the collective interests of the medical profession, while being committed to the practice of medicine and offering the best healthcare to the society served by the doctors. |
Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona The Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (Official College of Nursing of Barcelona) is an institution established for the defence and corporate representation of nurses, striving to generate social and professional value for the nursing profession and contributing towards improving health and social healthcare in Catalonia. |
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