El servei
The mission of the neurosurgery service is surgical treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, peripheral and their covers (spinal column, vault and cranial base); the training of doctors specialized in neurosurgery and teaching medical students; research to advance the knowledge, better diagnosis and treatment of nervous system diseases; as well as neurosurgical care in the fields of hospitalization, emergencies, external consultation and day hospital, 365 days a year.
Ubicació i Contacte
Secretaria de Neurocirurgia
Bloc A, 4ª planta, Mòdul 4.
Telèfon: 93 556 56 98
Fax: 93 556 56 07
correu secretaria:
Consulta externa
Bloc A, Planta 1ª. Mòdul 2, despatxos 12 i 13
Sala Hospitalització
Sala C3, Bloc C, 3ª planta.
Telèfon extensió: 93 553 73 18