
This Service provides scientific and technical support to the Oncology, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging Services, as well as all the other departments of the Hospital that carry out interventionist radiology or X-ray explorations for treating or diagnosing patients. It takes part in defining the technical specifications of equipment before it is procured. The Service is also responsible for supervising and advising on the radioprotection of all the staff and facilities that use radioactive isotopes or equipment that emit ionizing radiations.
el servei
the service

Informació assistencial
Health information


Informació usuaris
Users information


Ubicació i Contacte
Radiofísica i Radioprotecció
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
C. Sant Quintí, 89
BLOC F, planta -2
08041 Barcelona



Correu electrònic: Radiofisica_Radioproteccio@santpau.cat
Telèfon: 93 553 77 43
Fax: 93 553 77 44