
Unitat funcional ufpd

Functional Units
Functional Units
Functional Unit for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections

The Functional Unit for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau was founded in September 2014.

It is a functional and multidisciplinary unit that provides universal access, focused on the prevention and control of STIs, working in collaboration with the Primary Care Unit. It is a reference centre of the Integral Health Department of Barcelona Dreta. It aims to work in coordination with all other providers of services dedicated to patients with STIs in the Integral Health Department of Barcelona Dreta.

Objectives of the Functional Unit for STIs

  1. Strengthen primary and/or secondary prevention of patients referred due to suspected STIs.
  2. Improve epidemiological surveillance through:
    1. Coordination with the Public Health Agency of Barcelona
    2. Improve the declarations of Diseases that Require Declaration
    3. Study or refer contacts
  3. Adequació de la pràctica clínica:
    1. Universal and immediate accessibility.
    2. Use of updated guides based on the best evidence.
    3. Reduction of clinical variability.
    4. Multidisciplinary focus in complex cases.
    5. Resolution of the majority of cases in a single visit
    6. Counselling.
  4. Reference and consultation unit for Primary Care Centres of the Integral Care Department of Barcelona Dreta.

Dr. Joaquín López-Contreras - Infectious Diseases Unit - Internal Medicine Service

Supervisor of the Infectious Diseases Day Hospital
Javier Pérez Dueñas


Functional Unit Team

Gemma Ballarín - Nursing of the Infectious Diseases Day Hospital

Silvia Cermeño - Nursing of the Infectious Diseases Day Hospital

Mª Alejandra Quintero - Nursing of the Infectious Diseases Day Hospital

Dra. Natividad Benito - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Virginia Pomar  - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dr. Alexander Rombauts -  Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Laura Escolà  - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Sara Grillo - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Mª Mar Gutiérrez - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Antonella Simonetti - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Maria Gracia Mateo - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dr. Pol Duch - Infectious Diseases Unit

Dra. Nerea Luqui - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service

Dra. Aina Delgado - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service

Dra. Anna Sánchez López - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service

Dra. Pilar Hernández - General and Digestive Surgery Service

Dra. Caridad Morales - Dermatology Service

Dra. Elisenda Miró - Microbiology Service

Dra. Montserrat Seres - Emergency Service

Dr. Jose Maria Valle – Pediatric Service

Cristina Barón - Secretary 


Services assigned to the Functional Unit for STIs

This is a multidisciplinary unit featuring the participation of 6 medical services, the nursing unit of the Day Hospital for infectious diseases and a secretary.

  • General and Digestive Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • Gynaecology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Microbiology
  • Emergencies
  • Pediatric



The distribution of visits is carried out from the Secretariat for Infectious Diseases, and these mostly take place in the Day Hospital for Infectious Diseases (Building A, floor 0, module 4), in office no. 3, or in boxes 1 and 2.


Opening hours on working days

Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00. (upon patient request)


Emergency attention

General Emergency, Gynaecological Emergency and Dermatology Emergency Services are still operative outside of the opening hours of the Functional Unit.

